Organizational Text Formatting


To create a header, you need to include a specific number of the hash/pound sign character (#). Use (#) for a big header, (##) for a smaller header, or (###) for an even smaller header as the first character(s) in a new line.



Like Headers, you can add subtext to any chat message. To do so, add a (-# ) before the text you want to appear in the subtext. Don’t forget the space after # and before your message.


You can use masked links to make text a clickable or pressable hyperlink. To do so, you need to include the text you want displayed in brackets and then the URL in parentheses. For example:

masked links

If you don’t wish to embed a link, you can wrap the link with <> to remove the embed for that specific link.

Unordered Lists

You can create a bulleted list using either (-) or (*) in the beginning of each line. You can indent your list by adding a space before (-) or (*) at the beginning of each line.

unordered lists

Ordered Lists

To create an ordered list, add line items with numbers followed by periods. The numbers don’t have to be in numerical order, but the list will always start with the first number. You can indent your list by adding a space before the number at the beginning of each line.

ordered lists